
EMV Benefits: It’s Not Just Security Benefits; it’s Much More than That!

EMV credit cards use an electronic chip that is built inside them. EMV provides superior security features for credit card processing and credit card merchant services. EMV uses advanced cryptography and digitally-signed payment data which makes the transactions secure. Advantages of EMV go beyond Better Security Aspects While EMV is mostly known for the advanced…


A Quick Guide to Credit Card Machine Buying

Credit card machines allow businesses to offer their customers with versatile and easy payment options. With multiple payment options, customers can make payments without any hassle. Credit card machines can support both credit and debit card payments. Before purchasing a credit card machine, price details and specifications need to be taken into consideration. Going through…


EMV Technology: Answering Some FAQs

  EMV is a standard set of specifications for smart card payments and acceptance devices. The cards consist of built-in microprocessors which enhance the security of merchant credit card processing and other merchant account services. EMV technology enhances security features of retail credit card processing services to a great level. We answer some common queries…

Read More... Ranks Third Best Mobile Processing Firm

(PRWEB) May 02, 2014 Reports as the Third Best Mobile Processing Firm for the Month of May 2014   The independent authority on credit card processors,, has named the 3rd best mobile processing service for the month of May 2014. was chosen based on their impressive performance in an in-depth…


Doubts Emerge About Small Merchants’ EMV Readiness

Digital Transaction News Feb. 14th, 2014   As Key Chip Deadline Looms, Doubts Emerge About Small Merchants’ Readiness By John Stewart   With Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc. digging in their heels on a key chip card deadline, payments executives are expressing doubts that all U.S. small businesses will be ready. “The short answer is…


WARNING – First Data Phishing Attack

Feb, 12th 2014 First Data has learned of a widespread phishing attack telling recipients that their merchant ID has been locked.   Unsolicited email containing errors should always raise a red flag, especially if combined with a call to action, such as calling a toll-free number or clicking on a link. If you receive an…


Visa / MasterCard Class Action Settlement Recovery

A court case was recently settled between a group of merchants, on one hand, and Visa, MasterCard, and issuing banks, on the other hand, about unfair business practices related to interchange fees. If you accepted Visa or MasterCard between January 1, 2004, and November 28, 2012, you are part of a $7 billion dollar settlement….


Hacked credit card machine TEXTS your info to criminals

Video A Russian-speaking man casually shows on camera how he can download a punter’s bank-card details and PIN from a hacked card reader. In a video demonstrating a tampered sales terminal, a card is swiped through the handheld device and a PIN entered – just as any customer would in a restaurant or shop. Later,…


The Not So Free – Free Credit Card Machine

In today’s competitive marketplace, merchant account services are a must for any business. 80 percent of all retail customers pay with their credit and debit cards. If your business does not accept credit cards, your customers may go to someone who does; your competitor. The acceptance of major credit cards is a key factor in…