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ATM Cash Machines

Credit Card Machine Skimmers – What Merchants Should Know

In recent years, one tool consistently used to steal credit and debit card data has been the credit card skimmer device.   Be it on ATM machines, or on credit card machine in merchant locations, criminals have clearly made this a tool of choice.  In the last two years alone, skimmers were used at such high…


7-Eleven intros second wave of Vcom ATM hybrids

ATM The New York Times: ATMs have long been a staple in convenience stores, but now several major chains, including 7-Eleven, are installing transactional kiosks able to do a lot more. 7-Eleven is introducing its second wave of custom-made terminals called Vcoms this year. The chain’s more than 1,000 Vcoms dispense cash, sell Verizon…