Credit Card Machine

Hacked credit card machine TEXTS your info to criminals

Video A Russian-speaking man casually shows on camera how he can download a punter’s bank-card details and PIN from a hacked card reader. In a video demonstrating a tampered sales terminal, a card is swiped through the handheld device and a PIN entered – just as any customer would in a restaurant or shop. Later,…


The Not So Free – Free Credit Card Machine

In today’s competitive marketplace, merchant account services are a must for any business. 80 percent of all retail customers pay with their credit and debit cards. If your business does not accept credit cards, your customers may go to someone who does; your competitor. The acceptance of major credit cards is a key factor in…


Credit Card Machine Skimmers – What Merchants Should Know

In recent years, one tool consistently used to steal credit and debit card data has been the credit card skimmer device.   Be it on ATM machines, or on credit card machine in merchant locations, criminals have clearly made this a tool of choice.  In the last two years alone, skimmers were used at such high…


What To Look For in A Credit Card Machine

Thinking about updating your credit card machine? The old knuckle buster credit card machines just aren’t suitable in this day and age. Technology has come a long way and there are a host of great affordable credit card machine options that will keep your merchant services running at full speed. Credit card processing for small…

Read More... Releases New Video on Credit Card Processing Equipment

Sarasota, FL – April 11, 2011, a leading provider of merchant account services, is pleased to announce they have released a new article on their site titled “Credit Card Processing Equipment Critical for Pleasing Customers, Maximizing Bottom Line Profits.” The article focuses on the many benefits of credit card processing and the reasons why…