Credit Card Equipment

What To Look For in A Credit Card Machine

Thinking about updating your credit card machine? The old knuckle buster credit card machines just aren’t suitable in this day and age. Technology has come a long way and there are a host of great affordable credit card machine options that will keep your merchant services running at full speed. Credit card processing for small…


What To Look For in a Wireless Credit Card Terminal

More and more businesses are moving towards a wireless credit card terminal. They can be extremely efficient and can help your business run smoother and faster.  Because more businesses are moving towards a wireless credit card solution, many customers are coming to expect this as an option. When a business does not offer a wireless…

Read More... Releases New Article on Mobile Credit Card Processing Merchant Services

Sarasota, FL – June 14, 2011 –, a leading provider of credit card processing, is pleased to announce they have released a new article on their site titled “Mobile Credit Card Processing Merchant Services.” The article focuses on the benefits of owning a wireless credit card machine, the benefits of having a portable instant…


Mobile Credit Card Processing Merchant Services

While a lot of credit card business occurs at a cash register inside a store, or at another such fixed location, many credit card transactions need to be processed in places where the installation of a stationary credit card machine just isn’t possible.  This is where a specialized merchant services provider with on-demand wireless credit…

Read More... Releases New Video on Credit Card Processing Equipment

Sarasota, FL – April 11, 2011, a leading provider of merchant account services, is pleased to announce they have released a new article on their site titled “Credit Card Processing Equipment Critical for Pleasing Customers, Maximizing Bottom Line Profits.” The article focuses on the many benefits of credit card processing and the reasons why…


MBNA America Bank launches contactless credit cards in Atlanta

Contactless News   WILMINGTON, Del.– MBNA has begun issuing credit cards that feature MasterCard PayPass contactless payment technology to its new and existing customers in Atlanta, with customers in additional markets to follow in the coming months.   PayPass integrates a radio frequency chip and antennae in the card plastic. Cardholders simply “tap” their cards…


Signature Debit Fraud Runs 15 Times Higher Than on PIN Debit

Digital Transactions News Oct. 12, 2005 “Financial institutions lost an estimated $546 million to debit card fraud in 2004, with fraud rates running much higher on signature-based cards than on cards secured with PINs, according to study released this week. Banks lost $345 million in fraud committed on ATMs, while fraud on signature-debit cards cost…


Why More Merchants Are Adopting PIN Debit

Digital Transaction News April 4, 2004 “Debit cards linked to personal identification numbers are slowly but surely penetrating more and more merchant locations, and as a result PIN debit transactions will begin to overtake transactions on signature-based debit cards within five years, says an analyst at Speer & Associates Inc., Atlanta, who has studied the…