Do You Want Merchant Services at the Lowest Possible Rates?

Would you like to receive the lowest possible rates on credit card processing for your store or website? Who wouldn’t? By carefully shopping for the best merchant services provider, you can ensure you’re always receiving the lowest possible rates when accepting electronic payments. Read on to learn the dos and don’ts of finding a credit card processing provider.


Do: Find the Most Competitive Pricing Program

With so many options for instant merchant services online, you can be picky when looking for a credit card processing provider. Before you start looking, decide what you want for your store or website. Do you need a wireless credit card machine? Do you need devoted customer service – without the automated recording every time you call? Once you have decided on your main decision points, start looking at different pricing programs. A good credit card services provider should have no problem showing you the savings you’ll experience with their company versus other processors.


Don’t: Pay Higher Rates than You Were Promised

It’s not unusual for a merchant service provider to quote you one price or rate, and then gradually increase your rates. They may not think you’ll notice, or maybe you’re locked into a contract. Read about the company’s track record and what their clients are saying about them. Are merchants happy with this service? Can the company honestly say they haven’t raised their rates from year to year?


Do: Seek Out Additional Merchant Education

Not all credit card processors are all about the money. A good merchant service provider will provide you with additional information and education on best practices to ensure that you are receiving the lowest possible processing rates when accepting electronic payments.


Don’t: Settle on the First Merchant Service Provider You Find

As I said above, there are many, many merchant service providers out there, so never settle on the first one you look at. Make sure the merchant service provider that you choose is trustworthy – as in you trust that sensitive and private data will stay that way in the course of a normal transaction. You also want a merchant service provider with a full-disclosure policy – that means no hidden costs, no hidden fees and no rate increases! Last but not least, will the provider be there when you’re having POS issues, or will you be stuck sorting through an endless loop of phone menus? Always do your research before making your final decision.


Do: Start Increasing Your Bottom Line Profits

Stop losing customers to your competitors because you can’t take their credit or debit card payments and other retailers can. Many merchant service providers online can provide you with an instant online quote in as little as one minute, and can set you up with an instant merchant account so you can start accepting payments by card online or in person within 24 to 48 hours. Remember these dos and don’ts, and start increasing your bottom line profits now!


Resource Box: provides leading edge credit card processing and merchant services through a consultative approach, educating merchants on credit card interchange fees and practices to ensure they are receiving the best possible rates when accepting electronic payments on a credit card machine.