How To Accept Mobile Credit Card Payments

Accepting credit card payments is critical for the modern business. It’s pretty rare that a company doesn’t accept credit card payments, but when you do come across a business like this, it feels very antiquated. With mobile technology developing by leaps and bounds, soon mobile credit card payments will be par for the course and any company not utilizing this exciting technology will feel antiquated as well.  However, accepting credit cards with your mobile device is surprisingly easy, and it is a great way to update your merchant services.

Setting up your merchant account on a mobile device is surprisingly simple. The first thing that you will need to do is to create a merchant account. This is a quick process – you just need to enter your bank account number and other business information. You can usually either do this over the internet or via fax. Once you’re approved (usually same day) you will be sent your mobile credit card reader device. Once you receive the device, you will hook it up per the installation instructions, then download the app for it and you are open for business.

The readers vary in size and shape but they all offer the same essential credit card services and functions. There are some mobile merchant services that are free to sign up for and will even send you the reader for free! Some merchant services readers for mobile devices can be unplugged and used on another mobile device with the same app. Others cannot be used between different mobile devices but these readers are generally a little sturdier and have more functionality. Both types of devices scan credit cards perfectly fine and both are suited better for some companies than others. So be sure to do your research to know which merchant services credit card scanner will fit in better with your companies needs.

Update your business today with mobile credit card payments!