WARNING – First Data Phishing Attack

Feb, 12th 2014

First Data has learned of a widespread phishing attack telling recipients that their merchant ID has been locked.   Unsolicited email containing errors should always raise a red flag, especially if combined with a call to action, such as calling a toll-free number or clicking on a link. If you receive an email similar to the one below, immediately delete it from your inbox and deleted items folder.  Do not open any attachments. No further action is required on your part.


If you are a merchant who called the toll-free number below and gave your merchant ID, please call the contact center number on your statement so that First Data can help you monitor for fraudulent activity on your account.


If you receive emails in the future that you suspect are phishing, please forward to phishing@firstdata.com. Below is a copy of the current message.  Note indicators that this is a phishing scam email in red font.   From: FirstData [mailto:verifyaccount@firstdata.com]   Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 9:58 AM   To: XXXXXXXXXX   Subject: Notification   Dear customer, <== not personalized with merchant contact information   We regret to inform you that your merchant account has been locked. <== no specific account number provided   To continue using our services please call our tool free number +18664103984 and update your information.  <== misspelling and no specific merchant services listed   Please be ready with your Merchant ID and Terminal ID number.  <== no description of process to unlock account